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Linda Ikechukwu

Linda giving a speech

Intercontinental Public Speaker, Wanderer, wannabe musician, curious technologist, and lifelong learner.

My name is Linda Ikechukwu. I live in Lagos, Nigeria, and I have an innate need to teach. My earliest memories of this love go back to when I was just a 10-year-old girl. During school holidays, I would gather my younger siblings around a blackboard and attempt to teach them elementary Maths or English, usually against their will.

Although I began my career as a software engineer, I’ve found my true passion in orchestrating strategies for technology adoption through education. Over the past six years, I’ve worked in various areas of IT, from cloud engineering, to frontend development, and now developer education, where I’m obsessed with lowering the learning curve for complex developer tools to aid accelerated adoption.

If you ask me to describe what kind of person I am professionally, I would say that I identify as a “from scratch builder”. Whether it’s joining small teams, identifying key challenges, and creating initial frameworks, or adapting to changing needs to set the stage for future growth. That is my Ikigai.

At Smallstep (a startup that helps organisations use cryptographically attested device identity to limit access to sensitive resources to only company-managed devices), where I currently work, I was hired as the pioneer Developer Advocate to craft our developer education strategy from the ground up and oversee related personnel and processes.

During my time at Omnibiz (a platform that links distributors of Fast-Moving Consumer Goods with thousands of retailers and delivers products directly to their doorsteps), I joined as frontend engineer no. 2 and helped to build the app MVP and establish foundational UI components and bug tracking processes that set the product up for future success and are still in use today.

At Huawei Lagos (a leading multinational and global provider of information and communications technology infrastructure and smart devices), I joined as a Cloud Solutions Engineer right out of university, where I was assigned to a 5-person team responsible for cloud solution design, POC verification, technical consulting, and support for major Nigerian organizations.

In addition to my long-term employment engagements, I have also worked with reputable international startups such as Bitrise, Retool, Animalz, and

Beyond my salaried employment, I've built a solid profile as an international technology speaker, having presented at over 30 conferences across Europe, Asia, Africa, and North America. I'm also engaged in sharing my expertise with rising technologists through a board membership, Community Program Manager for Nigeria's leading AI education program, and currently authoring the book The Developer Advocacy BlueprintDeveloper Advocacy Blueprint Book Design for aspiring or new developer advocates.

I also run everythingtechnicalwriting where I publish articles on developer education and technical content creation, as well as interviews with industry leaders. The website receives over 4,000 monthly visitors and ranks on the first page of Google for keywords like “technical content marketing,” “technical writing portfolio,” and “technical writing process.” The newsletter has over 2000 subscribers, so If you're a technical content creator, you should subscribe here.

Outside of work, I'm also growing a travel tribe on Instagram where I share stories of my travel experiences and tips to inspire others to see the world. You would usually find me in another country trying new street food, pretending I am Serena on a tennis court, struggling to play the G-chord correctly on my guitar, or just getting lost in some African fiction literature.

If you’d like to support the work I do,  Buymeacoffee.

Linda IkechukwuLinda IkechukwuLinda IkechukwuLinda IkechukwuLinda Ikechukwu